Sunday, March 10, 2013

Music of the Streets

           We finally finished our documentaries! I worked on the four minute documentary that we were assigned back a long time ago with Samantha, Sarah, and Grace. When we first heard about the project, we all decided that we wanted to make our documentary about street musicians. None of us really knew anything about them, and we thought it would be fun to go into DC and interview people about playing music on the streets of DC.
           Well, it turned out to be a little tougher than we expected. We made multiple trips to DC and although we did find four people who played music, none of them had the time to let us interview them. So, we reshaped our view of our documentary. Instead of focusing on street musicians stories, we gave a super brief history of busking and then moved on to show the different street performers that we found.
           This process really gave me a chance to work on my Final Cut Pro skills. I did a lot of the actual editing while getting direction from Sarah, Grace, and Samantha since I was the person in our group who at least had a basic knowledge of Final Cut. I also really liked being able to go into DC and go up to random people on the street and ask them what they thought of street musicians. Although many people turned me down, I got to talk to several interesting people and become better at talking to strangers.
           I'm really proud of how our documentary came out, and I think Mr. Mayo liked it to. Here it is:

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