Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reflection: Part III

           Here is my third reflection for CAP Hollywood. Basically, its in less than 10 days and panic is beginning to set it... just a little bit. But, I think we are at a good part in the editing process. If need be, we could be done right now, except for one small issue.... our film is 1 minute and 30 seconds longer than it needs to. So for the next week all of our attention is going to be on how to most effectively cut out extraneous footage and shots to shorten our movie.
         Other than that, I think my group as a whole had a pretty productive week. Our rough cut is complete and we have our credits slide in. While we are working on shortening our film, we are also adjusting the music. We currently just have music for the flashback scenes. I'm not really sure whether I think we should have music for the present days scenes as well, but I think right now our main focus needs to be on cutting down.
         I am probably going to work with Mr. Mayo at some point this week to shorten our film. Otherwise, I think everything is going pretty well.

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